Making Kindness a Habit! πŸ™

Recently, I got to learn about a strange natural phenomenon in the Middle East. There are two lakes - The Sea of Galilee & the Dead Sea. The sea of Galilee is the lowest freshwater lake and it is 209 meters below sea level. The Dead Sea on the other hand is a saltwater lake. The water source for both of these lakes is the same - which is River Jordan.

The sea of Galilee is so full of life with more than 20 different varieties of fish species apart from an extensive range of flora and fauna. The Dead Sea on the other side is devoid of any living species. The reason for this strange phenomenon is because the main source of water for the Sea of Galilee is the river Jordan - which flows from the north to the dead sea in the south keeping the Sea of Galilee active with the water flowing in and out.

Sea of Galilee - I AM GRT

Whereas, for the Dead Sea there is no outlet and the water is landlocked resulting in a large quantity of salt in it making it inhabitable for any living species.

Similarly, as an individual, if we are closed in our approach and do not embrace the joy of giving - we will end up being like the dead sea. It is in that context, I decided to make kindness a habit and ensure that I use my knowledge and skills to help others. On that note, please feel free to head over to the following calendar website and book your preferred free slot (which are spread out through the week - and I will try my best to help you in any way I can).

Grow with Govind - Digital Growth Made Simple - Govind TALLURI
I am specialized in Digital Growth Strategy, Market Intelligence, Technical SEO and Social Media.I am experienced in building web/mobile applicationsIf you’re interested in talking to me for a free 30 minute consultation, then please pick your slot using this calendar. I look forward to speaking
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During the free call, we can talk about any challenges you are facing with building your websites - regular/blog/eCommerce, we can also look at more technical things, growth strategy, technical SEO, or any other related topics.

Thank you for your interest. See you soon! πŸ™

I am a product management professional based in Halifax, Canada and I write about technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and business strategy. You can learn more about me at the following link: